The March to Spring

In honor of Pantone’s 2024 color of the year, Peach Fuzz, I made this Spring wreath as some inspo for what a faux custom wreath could do for your front door. But the beauty of custom is that I can make these wreaths with elements that will make your front door pop-whatever colors that may be!

Here in Richmond Va we are now considered zone 7b a change from the 7a status we used to have. Here is what I think that means. None of this is scientific of course, just some observations on my part. We have mild winters. Some of us hope for one or two snow falls in winter and depending on where you live in the state of VA, it’s really anyone’s guess. We might have a cold Christmas and we might not. You are likely to get some spring days in January as well as a minor slap in the face with a little bluster. We get more strange gray days than we do outright cold days- so if you are feeling cagey, give your self a pep talk and say, “hey girl next week could it be 80”. It is not unlikely to see your bulb based plants get mixed signals and start pushing up their greenery in as early as January. By April they have been jerked around more than someone in a bad romance. They have some blooms and some unsightly withered burn marks from the frost. So here is the good news- Spring is here, even if we get a random snowfall telling us other things, because in some ways it never left. The days are getting longer and daylight savings is racing to our rescue. So while it is still to early to plant most things- hang a faux spring wreath to welcome the season, with no worry for its demise!

Some tips for the transition to Spring:

-Use the random warm days to deep clean outdoor items that have mildewed, need some TLC, or pressure wash your porch and planters

-Last weekend in the warm weather we were having- I identified small projects that needed tending to- some bistro lights had had fallen down, grass had overtaken my pea gravel edging. I try to think about what will I be glad I did when the beautiful days hit. I love the ability to eat outside on whim so I make sure those area are neat and tidy and ready for an outdoor feast!

-Use the transition season to cut back dead perennials that might have gotten missed when you put your garden to bed in the Fall.

-Make sure the root ball is covered with soil and reposition any mulch that might have gotten blown off the root area of your plants.

-Look at the places that need new plants and make plans for your spring purchases when its’s time.

-Warm days in March are great time for clean up and Spring preparation

-Planters start coming out in the stores as early as January, so keep an eye out for offerings at places like HomeGoods and Tjmaxx, that don’t have regular items in stock. If you are looking for a set of two, the early bird really does get the worm!

-March is a great time to get on my schedule for spring container planting! SM

Valentine's Day

There is something about the shape of a heart that moves me. That goes for the individual indelible spirit of human hearts and those of two symmetrical or asymmetrical pieces that make up the iconic shape known as the heart. There was a season where I collected as many unique ones as I could get my hands on and while my collecting days have cooled, they still turn my head, every time. Valentine’s Day gets a bad rap as a made up holiday to sell cards and other sundries, and I get it, but as a florist it is a visual feast for my senses. My house smells like a flower shop and the overflowing buckets of blooms make my heart race faster. The shades of reds and pinks together create lovely visual impact. Hearts are everywhere and surprises abound. Its a day that celebrates something essential- love- with a whole lot of superfluous , non-essential things. Things you don’t need to survive like rich chocolate, handmade desserts, beautifully constructed cards, bunches of flowers, overflowing gift baskets. Heart shaped items you didn’t know you needed. It’s this Enneagram four’s pinnacle of special and it goes on all day.

It’s precisely for these reasons that this day that can never live up to my grandest expectations and so I have found my very great enjoyment of it lies in creating beautiful and special things for others. That multiplies the special and fills my tank. So as I look out the window and dream up beautiful arrangements overflowing with blooms, I look forward to helping you and all of yours make the day truly lovely.

And while the new lovers make for the most exciting stories- new relationships, surprise proposals, a whole red rose candle lit wedding ceremony, it’s the old lovers who have my heart. A missionary from our home church many moons ago shared a facebook post that perfectly describes the intersection of steady enduring love and reckless passion. On her 30th anniversary she was folding laundry with her husband, and he tossed her a t-shirt to fold and out fell a bottle of Chanel no 5. Well done sir, well done. Enduring love sprinkled with a bit of woo is worth celebrating any day!

This portion of a post by Ann Voskamp says it beautifully. It’s the steady drumbeat behind the flashy splashy celebrations that mark Feb 14.

Passionate love is far more than falling in love. Passion literally means to suffer—which means: Lovers are the longsufferers.

Which is to say its the old lovers who’ve suffered through much who are the most passionate of all.

It’s the old lovers who have suffered tenderly through crises and kids and the countless blur of days and untold heartaches, who live the most genuine nonstop passion. It’s the old lovers whose willingness to suffer for each other has made all their other suffering bearable. It’s the old lovers who have passionately suffered
long for each other, with each other, who have grown the most passionate, companionate love of all.

It’s the suffering, passionate, companionate love—the easy laughter and sure reliability and steadiness of companionship and friendship and withness—that makes for the happiest love of all.

And it’s the old love that is the most suggestive love of all because it suggests that the whole of us is actually seen and known, and we are still wholly loved. It is only in being really known, in ways that we wish nobody ever knew, that we ever really know what it means to be loved.

What could be more risqué than risking aging with someone and being worn down to your bare souls?

To all those engaged in the service of love , press on friends and take time to celebrate someone you love!

A Fresh Look at Useful Spaces-work smarter, not harder

Happy 2024 Friends! I love soap and lotion sets and this one in particular by Cucina featured in high end kitchen stores tempts me to think that if I had it, I would cook real meals. But one thing I notice is no matter how expensive the soap and lotion combination is and as much as I love lotion, I don’t use the lotion. It took me awhile to realize I don’t like putting on lotion when my hands are at all wet and so I skip the step. I now keep my hand lotion by my bed and I use it every night before I go to sleep. That friends is a win.

In this season of goal setting, tweaks, cleaning and purging unwanted items, I encourage you to think though a few things to help you work smarter-not harder. Don’t skip asking yourself what isn’t working in your spaces. What areas always gather clutter? What things can you never find when you need them?

PLACEMENT: Is the item in question serving you in its current position? I keep a heavy Kitchen Aid mixer under my sink. I hate pulling it out but its infrequent that I use it and makes sense given my space constraints-so there it stays, but if it was an everyday item, I’d need another solution. I’m tall and like as much stuff high up so I don’t have to bend down to access it. I keep all the socks in the house with the shoes because it makes more sense for us. When things are complicated to get out or put away-notice that. You want a tidy space so make it easy on yourself to get that item to its home. Organizational catch all drawers are a big problem for this. If you have cubbies in your drawers for misc. items and they are packed to the gills with no room for new pens or batteries-its going to get disorganized quickly. Leave some space when you are purging or rearranging things. When they start over flowing it’s time to purge some items. Is the linen closet always spilling off the shelves because you have too many towels or mismatched sheets? Say goodbye to some and see if it’s easier to keep those shelves neater.

SMALL WINS: Trying to get started with organizing your home can feel overwhelming. Set a 10 minute timer and purge a drawer, use the momentum to wipe it out and put items back in an organized way. Use the momentum to surf your way through a whole cabinet painlessly over a few days.

TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING: One of the most common barriers to a tidy space is too much stuff. With the ease of Amazon and kids constantly bringing in things from school or toys with lots of pieces, it can be hard to stay on top of the clutter. My clutter comes from things not having a place and a lot of those things are kid related. I get edgy when I see bookcases overflowing with books to the degree that newer books are jammed sideways on top of vertical books. I recommend delineating a shelf for regularly used books and a shelf or basket for library borrowed books. The ones you love that you cannot live without can then be arranged artfully without the traffic of moving books in and out constantly. A bookcase is one of those areas that needs room left for new books- so be honest about which books are life long friends and which have served their time.

USE NEW PURCHASES TO MOTIVATE YOU TO PURGE: New things come in at the holidays and they need room, so use the “new” to help you pass on the old. There is desire to have extra or back up but we have to be honest about the things we are never going to actually use again even if they are practical items. When I avoid certain clothes it’s time to give up their closet space. The opposite of stewarding your physical things wisely is that you end up serving them and not the other way around.

My favorite book on home organization is The Magical Art of Tidying up by Marie Kondo. I used her method in both homes we have lived in so what January looks like for me is tackling drawers, job supplies, some cabinets, the pantry and a quick clothing assessment. Its more maintenance than major over haul, so it’s not as time consuming. If you are stuck, check it out and if you need help I’m just a phone call away! SM


Having R. Home Magazine feature me in their Nov/Dec issue is such a treat! Here is a behind the scenes look at how magazine magic happens!

They took these photos almost year in advance: These photos were taken last December in preparation of this year’s issue. It is fascinating to see the planning that goes into magazine issues that look so effortless! Some magazines may have you deck your halls in the summer to get the shot, so I realize that every publication has their own way of capturing the holidays!

Professional Photographers are wizards- especially Gordon Gregory:

It was rainy and dark the day they came to do the photo shoot. We walked around with no extra lights on to capture these images. Here is the photo I took of my table…….

Not the look I was going for! Now here comes the wizard’s shot- this is a photo of his photo!

Now we are talking! I’m all like…MMMK, I see someone has some skills!

It takes most of the day to capture these shots:

Many sets of eyes are checking the details that you and I
might totally overlook.

Richmond Home Magazine Editor Susan Morgan, Photographer Gordon Gregory, and stylist Lauren Healy-Flora get their eyes on a shot to see if its what they want.

No way to be totally prepared to see your home and work in print. It is so cool and I’m so grateful for this opportunity! Thank you R. Home and all those involved in getting this to print! And special thanks to Kim Catley for such a beautiful write up!

Barnes and Noble!!! Woo Hoo! SM

Putting your Garden to bed

We are about to enter our second Fall and real Fall over here in Virginia as November makes its debut. As the days are getting shorter, they are signaling that it is time to tidy up our gardens and tuck them in for the winter. Some of you might be wondering what that entails. Here’s a short list to get you started:

MOVE THINGS AROUND: Now is the time to move those plants begging for more or less sun to their new locations and tuck them in for the winter. Take out any plants/shrubbery that did not make it through the summer.

GREAT TIME TO PLANT PERENNIALS OR BULBS: Lots of places are liquidating their perennials and that means you can plant more for less. It gets the plants acclimated and ready to show off more in the Spring. Now is the time to plant spring blooming bulbs.

CLIP BACK PERENNIALS: Most perennials can be pruned back to the ground or back significantly. Lavender is an exception- it likes a gentle trim-nothing too drastic. Peonies, penstemons, baptisia, solomon seal, hostas, columbine, cone flower can prune to the ground and irises benefit from a good clean up. I have to hack my Siberian iris way back and clean up the dead shoots to make way for next year’s display.

FERTILIZE: I like to use the shake and feed by Miracle Grow before I mulch

SPRAY SHRUBS: Shrubs can be fantastic anchors in your garden and offer evergreen touch points as the rest of your garden sleeps through winter. Alberta spruces, boxwoods, gardenias, and arborvitae are just a few that will benefit from being sprayed with an insecticide. Often times you loose these shrubs to infestations that go unseen. I use Sevin spray but there are many options out there.

MULCH: I mulch later than most because I am shutting down my garden bit by bit. I like to add a fresh layer around my plants.

If it feels overwhelming- just go area by area. Once you get one area of you garden looking all cleaned up you’ll find the motivation to keep going! Enjoy these lovely October days! SM


Vietri pottery lends a playful touch to table.

Vietri pottery brightens up any table. The Campagna is my favorite collection with tons of mix-and-match patterns and colors.

Even though Pumpkin Spice lattes are slipping into our vocabulary- It is not fall yet! At least not here in Virginia. We still have 2 full months of hot weather to contend with- so with that said here are some colorful tablescape inspirations that I put together. Photographing said tablescapes is no easy feat! @gordongregoryphoto makes it look like a walk in the park- here are my paltry attempts! I hope it will encourage you to use your fun tablecloths and outdoor serve wear. Get things ready so that when we get those stellar, breezy, cooler days-entertaining outdoors will be a snap!

I have a confession to make when it comes to food hospitality, I am 100% front of the house. My good friend Josh pointed that out as he was making dinner in my kitchen and I was faffing about trying to make it all look pretty. He knows how to cook a potato properly and I am thinking about what plate to put it on. I’m grateful for my friends with gift sets that I lack and that there is a need for both the front and back of the house at every great party! I have had to come to terms with the fact that like coffee being mainly a vehicle for sugar and cream for me, gatherings can be an opportunity to put together tablescapes that make a big splash with bright colors and a playful mixing of pattern and design. Here are a couple of tips to help get your creative juices flowing!

This blue and white tablescape gives me Serena and Lily vibes.

This blue and white tablescape gives me Serena and Lily vibes. All shades of blue and white look smashing together. The rattan chargers give it a coastal vibe and are easy to shake out after dinner- no washing required.

Assemble Your Elements:

What things do you love putting out for a casual dinner or formal party? Pick four things that you always reach for and go from there. Here are some examples of my favorite embellishments:

TRAYS: Hands down my favorite accessory. I think I have a tray problem. I make them, I buy them, I sell them and I think that they are a functional and beautiful addition to any gathering or room design. I’ve been hooked on them since I was little and would climb on the counter to reach the top cabinet that housed our 2 trays. We would use them to surprise our parents with breakfast in bed or if we were home sick from school. Their specialness still charms me. They are great for carrying items out when dining al fresco and they corral condiments, drinks and a whole host of miscellaneous items that would otherwise get lost in the shuffle. They also really enhance the vibe you are trying to set. Choose ones that you visually love and let them do the work and set the scene. And also don’t judge me- now that you know they are my vice you will not be able to unsee the sheer amount of them in every room of my house!

FLOWERS OR GREENERY: Giant glammed-up arrangements are my love language and they dress up any gathering. Some special occasions call for just such a detail but for everyday dinners or last-minute guests a fun mix of mini vases with fresh herbs, or flowers is an easy way to class up any table.

CANDLES: I love a grouping in the center or a smattering of small candles that sit in front of each plate and even those that weave in and out of the food and beverages. I collect votives and larger pillar candles for lanterns and keep them all together in my buffet for easy access.

NAPKINS: Love cloth napkins? Use them to pack a visual punch on your table or tuck them in baskets that hold dry foods like crackers and bread. If you find yourself strongly against the laundering that goes along with cloth napkins, keep a stash of disposable ones at the ready. They will effortlessly elevate your low-key gathering to a polished affair. Places like Homegoods, TJ Maxx Marshalls, and Target have beautiful designs that give you that Caspari look but don’t cost a lot.

OVERSIZED BOARDS: These are fantastic for making any collection of food and random condiments look like thoughtful chaos! You can literally “charcuterie” anything from the usual meats and cheeses to ice cream toppings, oatmeal toppings, fruit and veggie displays. Get an oversized board that you love. It will likely pull double duty as a fun kitchen decoration and will be your go-to for any gathering.

SMALL PLATES: I Love to mix things up with different appetizer plates. They can mix and match and infuse new energy into your regular essentials. If disposable dishes are more your speed, good news, the paper plate market is incredible these days. Meri Meri and Hester and Cook are my favorites but Target’s seasonal and party offerings are excellent too and much cheaper!

TABLE COVERINGS: Tablecloths, runners, an off-center throw, cloth placemats, chargers and non-cloth placemats are just a few options. I even love a roll of wrapping down the center like a runner. Which are you? If you never use tablecloths, don’t buy them or keep them. I am not interested in cloth placemats but find the array of rattan placemats, seagrass or wipeable solid surface ones to be worth it- easy to clean and maintain while making everything a little lovelier.

LITTLE KNIVES AND SPOONS: Don’t even get me started on cheese knives- it’s like a purse for your new outfit. So many options to choose from. Mini spoons at coffee bars and for scooping out condiments really take things up a notch. Coffee spoons are a fun treasure to thrift for.

Aquas and Purply blues anchor this al fresco tablescape.

And then what?

Keep them handy, know where they are- keep them near each other. Don’t make the mistake of waiting for a special occasion. If they are tucked away or hard to reach or require extensive dry cleaning you won’t use them and that friends is no fun at all! If you know you are a disposable kinda host- get your paper stash up and running. Trade out last-minute grocery store disposable plates with nicer ones that you can use at a moment’s notice. I especially like to put out pretty paper tea towels in my bathroom for use when I’m having company. Get a few packages and then they are all ready for last-minute visitors. Get in the habit of using these items on the regular. They will become part of your hosting routine in no time! SM

summer tablescape

This provencal tablescape celebrates the last of summer’s bounty with it’s bright colors and fresh figs!

The Big Four

If design isn’t your thing, but you want to love where you live and use your spaces well, this post is just for you! Here are a few things to think about when you make purchases and decisions for your home inside and out!


An example of fishscale tile and proper scale in a restaurant bathroom. photo taken by Interior designer Sue Mondeau of Su Su's Petals Richmond VA

This tile size gets the scale just right and the clean lines in the mirror design and faucet make this bathroom lovely to look at.

You may know that your style sensibilities rest in a farmhouse vibe or midcentury modern. You go to your favorite retailer and bring something home that reflects that style but instead of pulling everything together it sort of falls flat and recedes into the background. Or maybe it makes another spot feel vacant. You keep buying things but it doesn’t solve the problem. You don’t have a lot of money so you buy what you can and feel meh about your space.

Scale is the x-factor that you sometimes don’t realize is the culprit behind your malaise. Budget has always been a huge factor in my design decisions and sometimes I’ve cut corners on the scale to “get the look” I like. I can’t afford a piece of art that is large enough to carry the wall space and so I buy a few small ones and add a shelf and bookcase with a monkey on top and before I know it the runaway train cost as much as the right size piece of art. GET THE RIGHT SIZE AND IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD IT-WAIT FOR IT! I find myself looking for larger and larger pieces of art for clients because the open concept spaces we are creating require them for appropriate impact. Home Goods is a great spot to check for oversize pieces of art that fit your budget- it just requires you to keep checking. I’ve also had luck at Wayfair with extra large canvas filter options. The scale doesn’t just apply to art work but all the things. Case in point: My friend has a lovely mid century modern home built in the 60’s. She has had a large traditional couch and chair in the living room and an upholstered chair. We moved things around when I was there to maximize the space of the small room. Like a puzzle we were playing with all the options, but we couldn’t crack the code. On my most recent trip to her space she showed me a vintage sectional that she purchased and had reupholstered. She drew back the drapery and showed me how the 1960’s couch she bought matched the scale of her 1960’s house. The sofa line was just slightly below the window. The smaller scale couch was made for the smaller scale room and made it look larger. The new beefy traditional couch just wasn’t right for the room.

The importance of scale in design.  Richmond Va interior designer Sue Mondeau Of Su Su's Petals

This Extra large light fixture anchors the open space and high ceilings while adding playful interest.

I notice this a lot with planters. Large planters are expensive and good ones are heavy. I often see people putting pots that are too small on either side of their doors or adding a lot of little ones. I’d rather you have one stellar pot that is the right scale than four that aren’t. It’s taken me a long time to get there as I love a good bargain. But if you drive around and look at exterior curb appeal, it’s the ones that get the scale right that turn your head. I like to look for non-traditional large items to turn into containers. My friend turned a file cabinet on it’s back and removed the drawers. It gave her the height, depth and length she needed to frame out an exterior space. If you shop online make sure you test out the measurements beforehand-planters always feel smaller to me than the picture shows. At Home is a great resource for a variety of styles and sizes at a fair price point. Like pairs of jeans and swim suits don’t be afraid to try out a few.


Richmond Va container gardening custom design and install Sue Mondeau of Su Su's Petals in Richmond Va local gardener. Designer of outdoor spaces

The consistency of drip lines in the containers yield lovely results. The color scheme is pink, white and green in this lovely Church Hill garden.

These days anything goes. If you are a maximalist you can have a a ton of colors and patterns and make a space look eclectic and cohesive. When I think about color scheme I am speaking more to outdoor gardens and containers. You can have a knack for planting your containers and keeping them looking great through the season, but to me, the ones that have a planned color scheme, have the biggest visual impact. It’s a sneaky detail that maybe you don’t realize is contributing to why you love something. My favorite is purple, green, white and silver. I also love hot pink, pale pinks, green, and whites. In the early days of my garden making I would plant anything I could get for free. Now I’m like a warden throwing away a healthy red tulip that snuck in with purple friends because red isn’t in my scheme. A note on red in gardens……if you love red flowers you have to commit fully. It has such a big personality that it’s either front and center or not in at all. Yellow, green and white can look stunning but you have to be careful with red, oranges and and yellows or they can make spaces chaotic quickly.


This is by far the hardest one for me. So maybe I’m writing this little reminder to myself! I love beautiful things and I have a wide range of things that I love. It can get busy and over powering in my house FAST! I’ve learned my lesson in this area when decorating for Christmas- you must put items away before bringing out your decorations or your house can look like a junk shop in 14 minutes. Sometimes, if a space isn’t feeling right take somethings away. You can take a photo of a vignette you sort of like and try out a few other options- you can always go back to that photo if it turns out you liked that one best. Once I find the right balance of items in a vignette, I have a hard time deviating from it. I really have to push myself to try and change it up. Take everything off your mantle or dresser and start from scratch. Be willing to box up, or tuck in a closet items you love that are just too much for the moment.


I can’t believe I am writing this. It is the most uncreative thing ever. Growing up we had a giant flat yard and my dad roped us into planting zoysia grass plugs to replace the centipede variety of grass that had died because of pearl bug. I was too young to be knowing about grass diseases. We didn’t remove all the centipede and when we planted the new zoysia plugs it brought on a yard war. The centipede rallied and tried to choke out the zoysia- this friends is the reason I want nothing to do with grass- legal or illegal- I just don’t want it. As we were doing this my Dad was laying his own irrigation system with my brother. Thankfully, I was spared but I walked away thinking real irrigation is too expensive and a homemade system is just a headache. So now I’m planting up containers for folks and hands down the clients that have the most exceptional planters are the ones with irrigation. As it turns out, it’s the only difference in the planters at their house and the ones at mine. I’ve used the same dirt and plants and pots. It means that I am not as consistent on watering as an irrigation system is and that is good to know. The proof is in the pudding as they say. Some clients have professional ground irrigation and they have added lines to pots and others have made their own irrigation network for pots and hooked it into their water spigot. Either gets the job done and I hear that the diy options for planters have gotten impressive. So if you are thinking of upping your outdoor game-don’t forget to include irrigation, you’ll be happy you did!

Outdoor container gardening richmond va local gardener for custom outdoor spaces su su's petals

An example of scale, color scheme, and irrigation! Photo by Kate Mcgee

As Always:

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you can’t afford to pay someone, a stylish friend may have just the insight to help your space really sing. And if you can hire a pro, it’s money well spent!

A Love Letter to the Continental

new planters and plantings adorn The Continental Manchester

When I worked with college students what seems like a lifetime ago, the start of the new school year was always the busiest time. We called it New Student Outreach and the goal was to get as many new students that wanted to be, connected to faith communities to a place where they could belong. All the extracurricular groups on grounds were doing the same things and students had their pick of activities and people to meet. But come the start of a new semester in January, we would begin again because for as many students that had found a group and a community, there were just as many that had not. There were still folks adrift, looking to find a place to belong long after the activity fairs were over.

I've been thinking about that quote by Plato that says, '‘Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.'‘ I look around and I see it as so many people I know and love are dealing with things they never thought they would have to. They are soldering on but their pain isn’t far from the surface. In the early days of the pandemic, I saw an old-school Toyota drive by, the car looked too small for its driver and the driver, the sole occupant of the car, had two hands on the wheel and was screaming into the windshield as he rode past. I could not hear his screams as the windows were up but I have carried that image with me every time I feel utterly thwarted by life. And much of the last 2 years have felt that way.

I have felt so grateful for the kind staff at The Continental-Manchester. They have greeted me with smiles and made me feel welcome, like I have a place to belong. They know my order and sometimes put it in before I even ask. They put up with my ridiculous need for extra ice. They know my name. The act of someone serving you nourishment is a kindness that feeds the soul as well as the body. And I am grateful for every act of kindness they have shown me. When I got the chance to gussy up their outdoor patio area and entrance I was thrilled for the opportunity to shower them with some flowers. SM

Here are some before shots:


The Quirk Hotel

I like to frequent a local hotel mid-day for a couple of hours- don’t worry I’m not having an affair with anyone, it’s the hotel’s interiors that make me feel like a giddy girl in love. The Quirk Hotel is a pink muse that lights up all my buttons and feeds my mind.

Some folks don’t notice the details. They will remember a place as lovely but can’t tell you why they walked away feeling that way. The loveliness is built on a thousand small decisions that either play off each other to create a memorable space or compete with each other and miss the pleasurable mark altogether. I’ve heard it said that the people we find most attractive have the most symmetrical features which is shocking because to me most people’s eyes look symmetrical. But it’s true and yet what attracts us to certain faces goes beyond symmetry. It’s their smile, the warmness of their eyes as they lovingly look at you-all the ways they make you feel seen heard, and alive. I feel the same way about good design- sometimes it’s the beauty that symmetry makes space for and other times the asymmetrical placement of things turns my head.

I can be arrested by bad design, it can create visual overwhelm that silently runs like open tabs in the background of my mind. I don’t realize it’s draining my battery until it flashes red and alerts me to the 10 percent mark. When I encounter spaces with design cohesion my mind can rest. I’m no longer on auto-pilot sorting good from bad or rearranging rooms in my mind. I am freed up like a kid in a candy store discovering each building block that is created for enjoyment. I want to grab passers-by, take them by the hand and say did you see this visual feast that someone set up for you?

A doggie sculpture -mid sniff

The perfect shade of high gloss coral paint that adorns the louvered lobby bathroom doors mimics a beach house shutter and makes me feel like someone turned the lights on in my mind. The way that door shakes hands with the tile under my feet sends me on my way smiling. The gallery shop makes my heart flutter-new wallpaper with giant flowers adorns the back wall of the shop and the scale is perfect. Perfect I say! Get closer and they’ve layered in items that get more pleasurable with each glance. The pink-striped Paddywax candle next to the floral packaging of Lolila’s lotions and potions makes me want to let out a little squeal of delight and buy it all! The straw handbags that line the top of the store display have pinkish handles and look like an art installation. Vintage rose branding on the bag of peanuts made especially for the Quirk makes me rethink my whole life every time I see it. I sniff the Na Nin tulip-scented candle and start to believe that life can be good again.

They used to have pink velvet barstools with an aged bronze base tucked under their bar. They have been relegated to the downstairs. I find myself daydreaming about encountering them years later for sale and making them mine. Vinyl can look cold and cheap but not in this patent leather shade of the palest pink hugging a giant oval ottoman that you could host a dinner party on. It also covers two side chairs and makes them look preppy and smart. The velvet floral print pillow makes my heart beat just a little bit faster. I start thinking about where I can find fabric like it and I’m starting to sweat.

That pink velvet!

There is a dog sculpture that looks like they have trapped him in mid sniff. It sits on a white modern table that blends into the white walls. They are playing with all kinds of design elements and it is not lost on me. I see you velvet gray couch and striped linen pillow. The baristas in pink and gray aprons and the view of the outdoor courtyard makes me wonder if this is how it feels to be drunk. The sheer explosion of shades of pink threatens to do me in, in the best of ways. Jasmine is artfully arranged in a grid-like pattern on the wall of the courtyard and the scent greets me like an old friend. There is a softness to their outdoor container gardens that doesn’t look overdone but effortless like the way a European woman dresses. Loving layers of pink flowers spill over the edges and hide between the formal boxwood. Pale bubblegum pink roses, and blush petunias mingle among the tasteful green heucheras. I’m thinking I may not be in a safe state to drive. If I didn’t live so close, I’d just have to get a room.

The outside container gardens at the Quirk-wish I could claim them as my own! They are planted by Katie Ukrop and Sublime landscaping.

Some of you may think it down right silly to wax poetic about a hotel. Maybe the feelings I’m describing greet you when you hike at sunset or crack open a new book. Perhaps you ride your bike and feel God’s good pleasure. Your mind finds rest and your tank fills up. These life giving glimpses are God’s good gifts to you. Drink them up friends and make time to stop and smell the roses! SM

It's Too Early To Plant In Richmond, VA, the 7A, So What Can We Do Now?

New creature added to the magical community-tensions are high.

Little bundles of happiness are being delivered everywhere to stores near you-promising green, verdant feasts for the eyes. Colorful blooms are sleeping indoors and sunning themselves on store racks during the day and it is so so tempting to gather them all up in your arms and whisper- I’ll make a home for you, I have friends you’d be happy to shelter next to-we can make this forbidden -pre last frost love work, I know we can.


After Mother’s Day, is the usual last frost marker but i’m not a total prude…. I like to start planting in the 7A, the second week in April with abandon and a lit bit of caution. So what should we do now?

I’m so glad you asked!


They call it Spring cleaning for a reason! Use that pent up winter energy to get yourself ready for when the real Spring arrives. Some items to tend to:

If you have a fairy garden it’s going to need a little fluff. I had a small gnome crumble to a pile of rubble. Get the leaves out of there and add some new friends to your burgeoning community. We had to completely redo the pool area and Jeremiah, my 10 year old, did a pretty amazing job!

- Give your porch, walkway, deck and patio a good sweep with a blower and a broom. Pollen isn’t out in full swing so wait to pressure wash!

-Clip off any dead perennial growth that is not coming back. Remove any last season annuals from containers. Make way for the new plants you want to buy in those containers. If your pots are empty or the dirt has seen better days, make sure you clean them out prior to a new planting. Take stock of which pots need more soil, prune any evergreens in pots to get them ready for new friends-everybody likes a fresh cut.

-Make a list of plants in planters or in the ground that may not have made it and will need replaced. Take stock of what you have and what you need. You may have extra potting soil just waiting for you in the garage. You may need to purchase a new set of planters or replace one that got damaged.

-Clean up your flower beds from leaves and debris and tuck everybody in with some fresh mulch. Re-edge a flower bed if the boundary needs freshening up. Get to the weeds while you’re on the phone with your bestie talking about all the things. Set a timer. 15 minutes goes a long way and new plants won’t have to compete with soil space.

-Check your seed packets- some things like the cool of March! so you can direct sow certain seeds.

-Clean your garage or shed out, sell or donate unneeded items. Get anything sharpened that needs it!

-Tend to any needed projects you let go of because of the winter. Need a hose? Hose nozzle broken? Want to open that window but need a screen- now is the time to get your ducks in a row so you can enjoy the beauty of the season when it arrives!

-If you just can’t help yourself plant some pansies!

If you want some help making your garden, outdoor spaces or containers shine don’t forget to reach out to Su Su’s Petals!